Friday, August 5, 2011

The Amazing, Surprising, Perfect Plan of God

So, I lied. All you have to do is scroll down to the date of my last blog post to see that I did not follow through on my intention to post more over the summer. Not only did I not post more, but I managed to not post at all. So, I'm not going to make any more resolutions about posting more, since I clearly cannot keep them. So, I'll update this thing when I can, and hopefully when I do I'll have something to say.

So, it has been quite the whirlwind week for me. Last Saturday, I was a groomsman in my best friend's wedding, and got to stand beside him as he married an awesome girl, which was great. The wedding was awesome [and the reception was excellent :)], and I'm so excited for both of them. On Sunday, my family and I loaded up all my crap (in the rain), drove to Charlotte (in the rain) and moved me into my apartment (thankfully, not really in the rain this time). So, having moved in, I settled in for a relaxing intensive Greek course, which started on Monday and will go for 3 weeks. So far, I've found the Greek to be a bit easier than Hebrew was, but its still plenty of work. Memorizing vocab and declension patterns every day can be pretty exhausting mentally. All in all though, Greek is going well.

The real craziness didn't come until Thursday. In the afternoon, my roommate got the news that the loan he was counting on to help him pay for seminary would have much higher payments than the bank had originally estimated. That means he isn't going to be able to stay here and go to RTS without racking up a ton of debt, even if he were working full time. So, his only real option is to move back home. It's a situation that really sucks, and I'm sad for him that things didn't work out for him to stay at RTS and be in seminary. So, its Thursday night, I'm 4 days into living in this apartment, and my roommate is going to be moving out after Greek finishes. He's very apologetic, and is willing to help me out in whatever way he can, but I'm still in the position of having to find a new roommate or a new place to live, and do it rather quickly. Also, our first test for Greek was on Friday, just to compound matters. Yikes. Cut to Friday afternoon. After acing my Greek test (at least, I think so. You can never really be sure about these things until the grade comes back), we talked to the admissions director at RTS, and he said there were still a couple guys who were trying to find roommates. I called Matt, a guy who I know from having several classes with him last year, who, it turns out, has been looking for a roommate/place to stay and just praying that God would provide something.

In the course of 24 hours, my life swung from normal to wildly uncertain, then suddenly everything was solved. Crazy. Sometimes, God's provision is simply amazing. Even when life throws crazy curveballs your way, and your only possible response seems to be panic, God is still
in control. God is good, and every now and then its nice to be reminded of just how good he is.

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing." - Luke 12:22-23

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