Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Things I Like: Take 2

It's been a while since I last posted, mostly because my last few weeks have been mostly consumed by learning Hebrew. Hopefully (I know I've said this before, and I'll probably say it again) I'll get to writing more now. I have a cool new idea that I hope will keep me writing consistently, but I'll get to that tomorrow. For now, I'm going to list some of the things I've been enjoying lately.

Things I Like
  • The Script: I know they've been around for a while, but I've recently just gotten completely addicted to these guys. I absolutely love "The Man Who Can't Be Moved", "We Cry", "Fall For Anything" and "If You See Kay", but this song is genuinely great:

  • Community: It's back! I unabashedly love this show, and I'm ecstatic that it's back on after the winter break. I almost wrote a whole blog post about how amazing this show is, but I'll just leave it at this. You need to be watching this show. It's the funniest thing on TV, and nothing else comes even remotely close. Get on the Donald Glover train now, because he's going to be a gigantic star.
  • Netflix Instant Watch: I love Netflix Instant Watch. I watched a bunch of movies the last few weeks because I would just lie on my bed doing all my Hebrew busywork and queue up one of the many movies I've been wanting to watch. In case you were wondering, here are some of the ones I've really enjoyed that you can check out as well.
- Exit Through The Gift Shop: Great documentary on street art (and it's also available for free on Hulu right now)
- Man on Wire: Another great documentary about "The Artistic Crime of the Century"
- The King of Kong: Yet another documentary, this time about a guy who sets the world record high score in Donkey Kong. Sounds ridiculous, but it's actually great.
- TiMER: Fun little RomCom wrapped in an interesting sci-fi concept.
- The Damned United: It takes a lot for me to love a movie about soccer. I love this movie.
- Death To Smoochy: Ed Norton plays a purple dinosaur children's show host. Awesome.
  • The Books of Magic, by Neil Gaiman: I've read almost everything Gaiman has read, and he's probably my favorite author right now. This was a comic I hadn't been able to find before, and I loved it like I love most of his work. It made me wish I owned the Sandman series so that I could go back and reread it. If you've never read Gaiman, or you've never appreciated a comic book before, I cannot recommend the Sandman series highly enough. It's probably one of my five favorite things I've ever read.
  • Bridge: I've learned how to play Bridge recently, and found that I really enjoy it. It demands a much better card sense and ability to keep track of what's been played than most other card games, and I've really enjoyed learning how to play.
  • The Peace Church Senior High Guys: I just recently got back from a weekend at Myrtle Beach as a chaperone for the guy's retreat, and after times like that, I'm always reminded how much I miss working with and hanging out with those guys. I think I told someone this weekend, I'd give just about anything to be able to come back and work with that youth group again. I love these guys, and I'm always so encouraged to hear what God is doing in their lives.
  • My Car's Gas Mileage: I can drive from Charlotte to Cary and back again on one tank of gas, and it only costs me $30 to fill it up. Almost single-handedly keeping me out of the poor house.
That's all for now. Hopefully I'll have a fun little post for you tomorrow.


  1. You know how to play bridge? I thought I was the only other person under 65 who knew how.

  2. I've just been learning how to play in the last month or so. I rather like it.
