Friday, September 24, 2010


No, this is not a post about the comedy on NBC (though in case you're wondering, it's the best comedy on TV, and you should be watching it). Rather, it's about the awesome blessing of Christian community.

Shannon wrote on her blog a few days ago about the blessing of being part of a big "pseudo-family". I know what she means. For 22 years, I've been blessed with an amazing family of "adopted" aunts and uncles, and countless brothers and sisters, mostly people in the church. One of the hard things about moving to Charlotte has been not having that community around me anymore.

However, one of the great things about modern technology is that, even if I'm not around that family anymore, I can still be connected. This last week, I had a second interview for a job that I desperately need to get, so as I was on my way there, I shot off a quick text message to some of my Christian brothers to pray for me, and within minutes I had responses from a dozen guys praying for me. That's such an amazing blessing [also, I got the job :)]. God has blessed me with an awesome community of friends, and all too often, I take that for granted. With all the different methods available to stay in contact with people (email, text messages, facebook, skype, etc.), there's really no good reason not to be building one another up and praying for one another, no matter how far away we might be.

“It is grace, nothing but grace, that we are allowed to live in community with Christian community.” – Dietrich Bohnhoeffer

1 comment:

  1. Blessing and a curse. I think technology often enables us to maintain such close relationships over long distances that we fail to pursue deeper relationship with people who are where we are. Just saying.
